Sunday, April 03, 2011

All that we are asked

For Chunhui

I heard, you are unhappy
so I looked high and low on youtube, for songs,
because they say music soothes the soul.
Then I combed through words of poems to find something that will comfort you
sometimes words are so frail, and our experiences so hard, full of shapes jutting out
I found nothing that will soften our falls in life
the thing that jabs is still there, a thorn caught in the flesh
and sadness seems to permeate everything.
I guess, I want to tell you, that though I can't find the right words to cheer you
today when I jogged around the lake, the sun setting over the dusky sky
fog rising up over the water
I watched the dying light burn up the crown of trees
gilding everything with that flame
and I thought
everything is worth it, our pains,
all for moments like this
as I grow older, I begin to think
these are the only moments of greatness we are capable of
we are not asked to give anything, all we have to do is
to witness the richness this world offers

then just as suddenly darkness onsets

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About Me

I love words. This is simply a place for me to collect all the wonderful words I've come across in my journey through books and movies.