Saturday, August 15, 2009


but. She said. I am not. but.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Still Life

still thinking
of a smile,
a smell
a backview.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


in monsters under my bed
or Santa Clause
coming down the chimney
or mermaids or fairies
or easter bunnies
boogey man was a joke
so were threats of menacing police kidnapping naughty kids
there was nothing
that ever scared me
that still linger in the corridors
everytime the elevator door closes
holding chains, strings, bound with hair
never, never, never

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Bed Mates

little bleeder buggers
(come out come out to play)
your jelly white eggs
your speely spiny short legs
your greedy sucker teeth

when I sleep
dreaming of white sand and faraway land
you will join me
crawling up so slowly
softly, smoothly
skin breathing with slumber
will feel your pincher
as we wake feeling like we've had a good stinger
swelling up a little red hill
oh yes, I think I will enjoy the kill

watching the white fog descend
your short happy life coming to an unexpected end
good bye little bleeders
farewell, farewell.
Tonight, I will sleep well.
Finally. Hooray

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Ordinary Miracles

It is an email (timely)
a sun rise (unexpected)
the call of the ocean, seagulls and whistling seaweeds riding salt breeze
it is a meeting (expected and unexpected)
a visit (somewhere new)
the glass on an elevator at noonday, the city falling away at your feet
the tired flaps of tires on wet gravel
the last rains on your hair as you enter the apartment building
it is every prayer unsaid, unknown, whispered in the secret corners of the soul
as the curtains billow
in the last pitch black hours of a day when nothing stirs
but dreams walk abroad
seeking solace in solitude of
a bum's clumped up sleeping bag (ambsuhed around every street corner)
eyes wide as a toad's.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


This morning it rained.
I saw
fallen pine cones shattered
wet pavement
petals broken
from all these
a wet earth fragrance

I walked in the sprinkling
dotting my face
and thought
of a giant cooler of heaven
keeping the earth fresh

About Me

I love words. This is simply a place for me to collect all the wonderful words I've come across in my journey through books and movies.